A Lexicon of Love
"Captain Logophile really wants to talk about controversies like love, vogues, trends, issues and etc. when it comes to love, it makes more Captain Logophile feel more happy so he was forced to read this book..."
The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan |
The Lover's Dictionary is told not chronologically but alphabetically, as Levithan's narrator uses a series of dictionary entries to tell the story of his love for an unnamed woman. It's an impressive feat that, in "dictionary entries" (one to a page) that are sometimes as short as a single sentence, Levithan manages not only to provide such depths of characterization but also to offer genuine insights into this very particular love story and the nature of any long-term romantic relationship.
After reading the book, for me it is a series of these small truths—mixed with the nuances, frustrations and joys of this particular relationship. It's the kind of book you want to give to your friends who have been together forever, the ones whose relationship you admire; the kind of book you hesitantly give to the person you've just started seeing, while you're both still asking if this is "the one"; the kind of book you someday hope to read aloud from, in bed, to the person you love, waiting for the knowing look you'll see when he or she recognizes that this story is also your story, the story of everyone who has found—and fought for the elusive thing called love.